The first people of the rivers, valleys and mountains across Taungurung country.

Taungurung people are the first people of the rivers, valleys and mountains across Taungurung country. The clan group for the Yea area is the Waring-illam-balluk.

The Taungurung people are closely affiliated with four adjoining tribes who together form the Kulin Nation. Other members of the Kulin Nation are the Woiwurrung, Boonwurrung, Wathaurong, and Dja dja Wurrung. The Kulin Nation share common dreamtime ancestors, creation stories, religious beliefs and economic and social relationships.

Taungurung people lived harmoniously according to the natural cycles of the land and moved through their country on a seasonal basis. The cooler and more mountainous areas of Taungurung country were occupied in summer and autumn, with the Goulburn River (Waring) and its tributaries more preferable in winter and spring.

Food was plentiful around the region’s waterways with emus, kangaroos, possums, wombats, fish and abundant plant foods harvested on a seasonal basis.

Today, many Taungurung people live on country and are very active in the protection and preservation of their culture and land.

We are proud to work alongside the Taungurung people to continue to protect and restore the native habitat of the Yea Wetlands and to celebrate and share stories through a range of events and activities held across the year.

We ask that you treat the land with respect and the land in turn will look after you.


Welcome to Taungurung country

Discover the Indigenous garden Badji Baanang. The plants found in the garden are representative of plants found across Taungurung country and the garden also incorporates information about indigenous plants and the species that depend on these plants for survival.

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2 Hood Street
Yea VIC 3717
03 5797 2663
Open 7 days, 10am - 4pm.

Yea Wetlands is managed by Yea Wetlands Discovery Centre Inc.
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